Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What I Know and What I Would Like to Learn About PTSD

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that develops as a result of a very frightening life threatening, or unsure experience. It comes from traumatic events, I also know that the recognition of this condition increased dramatically from the events such as the 9/11 tragedy, Hurricane Katrina, the London bombings, the Tsunami and going back some years the war in Vietnam. A lot of times many come back to the United States that developed disturbing impaired functioning and psychological symptoms.
These events and many others have left thousands of people all around the U.S. at risk for this potentially debilitating condition. I am also aware of the PTSD symptoms and they include memory disturbances, nightmares, and family discord, sleep disturbances, parenting or marital disturbances, flashbacks about the traumatic event and feelings of estrangement or detachment. PTSD symptoms can possibly develop weeks, months or even years following a traumatic event.
In addition, to the survivors of wars, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism, people who have been victims of torture, or violent crimes often develop symptoms of PTSD. Sufferers of PTSD tend to avoid people, places, or other things that remind the individual of the event and are really sensitive to normal life experiences. Usually once something bad happens, no one wants to return or have to go through it again. So that’s what happens once someone is diagnosed with PTSD, they don’t want to suffer anymore.
I also know that PTSD has only been recognized as a formal diagnosis since 1980. I would like to know what other traumatic events cause PTSD, in the past and the present? PTSD with people dealing with 9/11 is my main focus. I would like to know how many children/teachers, men and women that it affected at that time? I would want to know how many people are still bothered with it to this day?


  1. im glad to see that you want to be psychologist because there are a lot of people and couples who need that kind of help

  2. 1. Is the post the appropriate amount (300 words)?: Yes it is 300 words.
    2. Rate (10 highest, 1 lowest) the clarity of the overall topic of research. 10 You have done your research. Great Work!
    3. Rate how well the visual illustrations add to the topic of the post. 10—Your pyramid adds to the concern of how it is important to take care of your self.
    4. Rate how well the post conveys what the author knows. 10- I believe you know about PTSD.
    5. Rate how well the post conveys what the author wants to know. 10- You explains your points well to show your understanding.
    6. Offer two or three written positive (specific)comments to the author.I like the history you provided along with the knowledge you already know about this stress.
    7. Offer two or three written constructive criticisms or questions to the author.
    Why did you choose this topic to talk about?
    The pictures that you used really showed that you understand your topic.
